SORRY for the TOTAL LACK of update! but i've been SO busy these past 2 weeks! there is alot of things going on right now, but i thought i'll post something just to let you know i'm still alive ! anyway it's june and summer is here! cant wait for summer vacation! <3 - Nilla
(vintage jeans jacket, Adidas sweat shirt, H&M velour jumpsuit, Monki shoes, DIY Spongebob/tiger bag, H&M white tank top, random sports bra and DIY bow) I love wearing casual oversized clothes. It's so comfortable. I felt like being hiphop-ish with a touch of girlyness. It's so hard having blond hair, you really have to dye it a lot, and ponytails is a no-go if you have black roots! But I've just dyed my hair so... M.